Elsa River Park

The Elsa River Park is a trekking route in Tuscany about 4 km long (round trip). It begins with the "Steccaia" and the "Callone Reale", two hydraulic engineering works in operation since the 11th century. The latter channeled the waters of the river into the so-called "gore", artificial canals that carried water to the city of Colle di Val d'Elsa and which, over the centuries, have been used to feed energy for the mills. the famous paper mills, ironworks and many other artisanal and industrial activities. The original hydraulic system was however modified in the 17th century choir, thanks to the Grand Duke of Tuscany Ferdinando I ° De 'Medici.

The route is fully equipped. It is a path that has been very successful in recent years and, for this reason, many have called it the "sea of ​​the Colligiani". In fact, the river is totally suitable for bathing and, especially during the summer season, many bathers and tourists seek refreshment here. Furthermore, it is a way to be in close contact with nature, in a rather dense vegetation. The heavenly place will show you a different reality from that of the classic Tuscan villages. The waters of the river are turquoise and crystalline, a unique panorama impossible to miss.

After the "Steccaia" you come across the "Diborrato": a waterfall of about 15 meters which forms a small lake 10 meters deep. We therefore find at this point the "Grotta dell’Orso", the "Conchina", the "Masso Bianco", the "Nicchia" and the "Spianata dei Falchi".

The route is equipped with explanatory signs but it is still necessary to pay attention to the river crossings, through rock bridges and ropes tied from bank to bank.

In addition, you can also choose to stop for a picnic. There are various points where comfortable tables have been installed or, to feel more nature, allow yourself a few minutes lying on the grass. The sound of the river flowing by and the large trees that open above your eyes will allow you to appreciate even more the open air that surrounds you.

To get to the SentierElsa you can park your car in Street of Cypresses in Colle di Val d'Elsa. Crossing the road you will find the beginning of the path.

Staying at the Hotel Villa Ducci in San Gimignano to get to the starting point, Via dei Cipressi, the distance is only 17 km.

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